A very beautiful book for children who want to learn good English on their own. Easy English.BY RAJESH PATEL

A very beautiful book for children who want to learn good English on their own. Easy English.BY RAJESH PATEL

Life360’s Family Locator simplifies life in the digital world by making it easy to stay connected to the people who matter most.

With Life360 you can: 

• Create your own private groups, called “Circles,” of loved ones, teammates -- whoever matters most and chat with them in Family Locator for FREE.

• View the real-time location of Circle Members on a private family map that’s only visible to your Circle. 

• Receive real-time alerts when Circle Members arrive at or leave destinations (Eliminate disruptive “Where are you?” texts)

• See the location of stolen or lost phones 

• Enjoy a more diverse array of features and benefits than those found on similar apps 

• Works on both Android Phones and iPhones

Real-Time Location Sharing

Stay connected and in sync with your entire family and eliminate the multiple texts needed to coordinate your family events and daily life. Family Locator alerts you when your family members have checked in at a location and thanks to GPS sensors in your phone, family locator can also advise if someone is running late.

Finding Family

The Life360 app uses state-of-the-art GPS location technology to report the real-time whereabouts of those that have accepted your invitation to join your circle and share their location. Simply install the Life360 Family Locator app on your phone, and invite your family. Once registered, each member appears as a unique icon on the navigational map so you’ll know exactly where they are. No need to send annoying “Where are your?” or “What’s your ETA?” texts, the Life360 Family Locator puts this information at your fingertips. And to make life super easy, we send you alerts the moment your family arrives at an appointed location!

In today's modern times, it is important that no child is deprived of the general knowledge of English. In general, most children find it difficult to learn English. Because learning English makes literature difficult for them. In addition, they often do not find literature that a child can easily understand and study at home. This literature has been prepared in an attempt to remove this raw material. In this literature, an attempt has been made to make the basic knowledge of English easily available to the children as well as to make them realize that they can teach on their own. If children are encouraged and given the help they need through education, the use of this literature will only arouse the interest of children in learning English, is the belief and confidence.

A very beautiful book for children who want to learn good English on their own. Easy English.BY RAJESH PATEL

🔹️About this book 🔹️

Education is a process, it is a science. Study Teaching Education is the backbone of social upliftment. While science has found a place in education in modern times, English language teaching is essential for the special study of science. Currently students are not able to perform effectively in the English subject, which may also be due to the lack of effective literature with which children can easily understand basic concepts on their own with effective classroom teaching. Therefore, in order to enable the students to study the initial concepts of English language on their own, the researcher Shri Rajeshbhai Patel has prepared this English teaching booklet with the title Easy English.


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A very beautiful book for children who want to learn good English on their own. Easy English.BY RAJESH PATEL

A very beautiful book for children who want to learn good English on their own. Easy English.BY RAJESH PATEL Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: MISSION EXAM